In any case, I obviously need to write all this up in the Pd REAMDE or INSTALL files. I've been meaning to do so anyway, so thanks for doing this test for me.

On Jun 27, 2017, at 6:46 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:

2017-06-26 16:47 GMT-03:00 Dan Wilcox <>:
I’m not sure. Even if you don’t, on newer versions of macOS, running “git” or “make” or whatever will automatically launch the install window for the command line tools.

good, so I have that, as I suspected. Anyway, I tried " xcode-select --install", and it just confirmed with "error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates".

Anyway, moving on

2. Build Pd using autotools like in Linux:

    cd pure-data

I'm there
    ./ <— you only need to run this if the configure script is not in the distribution (aka cloned from Github)

so, I cloned from github, which means I need to do this, right? So, I do it, and this is what I get:
 "./ line 21: autoreconf: command not found"

and I'm stuck already :/ 

yeah, moving on, doesn't work, I get "./configure: No such file or directory" - proving I really needed "./"

well, any ideas?


Dan Wilcox