Call for Submissions

Run Computer, Run - GLITCH

Run Computer, Run focuses on the current economic, political and cultural factors that are shaping the Internet and the artistic responses to them through a series of exhibitions, seminars and a publication. The research will discuss and explore how the practice of the digital artist is transitioning, not only with the growth of digital technologies, but are increasingly being informed by offline factors that are affecting how the Internet as a creative platform is being developed. Run Computer, Run takes place during GLITCH festival at Rua Red from May 24 – July 13.

We are currently accepting submissions for the following categories:

How do we give value to immaterial goods? How do we buy and sell digital images? What is the relationship between economics and digital aesthetics? How can curators and artists create new platforms and models for the creation of economic exchange? These are some of the questions that this show attempts to answer. We are currently accepting artwork (video, jpg, gifs, 3d models or HTML content) that will feature in a unique gallery-based exhibition. The exhibition is composed of two parts – a gallery-sited virtual show, and the online production and distribution of materially-realised limited-edition goods.

In the gallery, each artist will be represented by an AR-code – an augmented reality marker embedded with visual information that can only be viewed with the aid of a computer or smart-phone. As visitors walk through the gallery, they can interact with the markers using either their smart-phone or one of the tablets that will be provided by the gallery.

The artwork submitted will then be produced as a series of limited-edition goods including apparel and digital prints. These goods will be made available online for the duration of GLITCH.

The following products will be produced for each artist included in this exhibition:
1 Limited Edition Tee (run of 20)
1 Limited Edition tote bag (run of 20)
1 A5 postcard
1 A3 digital print (run of 30)

These goods will be made available via this website for the duration of GLITCH.

All profits from the sale of these goods go to the corresponding artist.

Before submitting please consult our technical spec for file types, and use our templates for submitting work.

Artwork that is not sent according to the technical spec or design templates will not be accepted as submissions.

Artworks will be exhibited using the Layar platform

Submission guidelines:
Email with the following information:
- completed templates

- artist name
- short bio (max 100 words, English only)
- email, url
- work name & synopsis (max 100 words, English only)
- screenshots x 2 (jpg 800 x 600px)

All artworks must adhere to our technical specification.
One entry per artist


Deadline for entries: May 5th 2013

All submissions will be considered by the GLITCH curatorial team. Artists will be notified by May 12th 2013. Artwork will be exhibited during Glitch festival at Rua Red in Dublin, Ireland from May 24 – July 13


This year, Glitch will host oh internetz! - an afternoon of shorts, animations, video and motion-based work. We are currently accepting work that responds to the following theme:

oh Internetz! celebrates an Internet-way of looking at the world. We are seeking work that is inspired by, makes reference to, loves, trolls and identifies itself with an Internet aesthetic. From gifs, to shorts to moving image, we are accepting submissions that are informed by Internet humour, aesthetics and Internet cultural practices.

Submission guidelines:
Email with a link to your video along with the following information:
- artist/director name
- short bio (max 100 words, English only)
- email, URL
- film/video name
- duration
- synopsis about submission (max 100 words)
- screenshots x 2 (jpg 800 x 600px)

You may submit up to 3 works.
Deadline for entries: May 5th 2013
Artists/directors will be notified by May 12th 2013.
Works will be screened June 15th during Glitch festival at Rua Red in Dublin, Ireland.

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Glitch Festival
Rua Red

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