> I sympathize - what about the fftease package?  I don't know anything
> about it but it may have something like you described if I remember
> correctly.  I was really screwed on understanding FFT until I looked
> at the VASP examples and then it made a little sense.  The wonderful
> thing about Pd is that you still don't always need to understand the
> math, just playing with trial and error works too!  Which would have
> been fine for me except my patch sounded like poo, hence the post.

FFTease for Pd is available here:


It was very much written as an "FFT for Dummies" package, or more precisely to expose the possibilities of spectral processing while hiding much of the coding pain. Open-sourcing FFTease is on my todo list; for now it is available as binaries for Mac(ppc)/Win/Linux. The documentation should get you started, but feel free to write me directly if you have any questions.

