re: 'slow ass coders' usually takes me 15 years to get anything done, the things that are taking longer than 15 years will probably be wonderful. I will link to you something that will make you change your mind about 'being years behind everything else' 3:33:28 seconds of some /pd-0.45-4/bin$ ./pd
the pdBerlin has some nice examples of using Chris Mccormick's lfo datastructure editor, I was weary of it before along with some GOP scaling stuff, but think I might give it a try. something is weird with this new (old junk keyboard, whenever I hold down more than 2 or 3 keys too fast , jack is glitching like the mouse dropouts. I am used to it by now and not one bit of that dreaded static makes it inside the wave file.
I feel like I have crossed a hurdle yesterday #1 loadable filename list for scrolling through presets instead of searching with the dialog[ cant that dialog be used as a directory tool? I mean it allready does what everyone want's a directory listing to do, splits up the file name from the patch, etc... just make it an atom.
#2 I somehow miraculously figured out how to count up a binary sequence like that is the oputput of the euclidian function for slick beats [1 0 1 0 1 1 0( and convert it to something that can be used as a mode for scales [2 2 1 2( my method does not yet work for sequencs that start with 0 -rotations but that doesen't bother me one bit. I ould have done it so easy with c, assembly language or even machine code but doing that graphically had my panties in a wad.
A quotation by Hermann von Helmholtz
Whoever in the pursuit of science, seeks after immediate practical utility may rest assured that he seeks in vain.
Academic Discourse (Heidelberg 1862)
JOC/EFR February 2006
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