Try a nightly build of 0.42.5.


On Apr 3, 2010, at 5:27 PM, t'es in t'es bat wrote:

i use the pd extended 0414
i copy the "about" below
i wonder why it don't work
but with gem it seem to be ok
i test in several patch and it's ok
it's in pidip
but i got a lot of my patch in that librairy....

is there something to re-install with the quicktime lib

I saw some old message with that error and iot seem to be thje quicktime lib butr no issue .... no solution

thanks understanding


2010/4/3 Hans-Christoph Steiner <>

Which version of Pd?


On Apr 3, 2010, at 12:09 PM, t'es in t'es bat wrote:

Pd version 0.41.4-extended

A real-time graphical programming environment for live interactive
computer music, Pd works on SGI machines, Microsoft Windows,
Linux, and Max OSX.

Pd is copyrighted, but is free for you to use for any reasonable purpose.
See the file:

Reference documentation for Pd lives in:

Much more documentation and other resources live on:

The Pd mailing list archive lives in:

Many more useful links are listed in the HTML documentation, section 1.2.

t'es in t'es bat
7 place Favier
13210 St Remy de Provence
T/: 04 90 26 95 09
P/: 06 86 86 12 19
LePôle travaille sur le fil des accidents, des fractures, des bugs informatiques, vidéos.
Lepôle cherche , il cause il triture les matières, les bits, les glitch, les formats. Il sort des cadres.
LePôle s'indiscipline dans de multiples tentatives fragile et poetiques.
LePôle improvise avec ses valises pleine de machines improbables et généreuse en surprises visuelles...
LePôle = numerikexperimentatatonnedebitengigaemotionel
LePôle works on the edge of faults, errors and informatic bugs and videos
LePôle looks for, causes, fiddles with bytes, glitches and formats. Something  out of the ordinary.
LePôle is undisciplined in many endeavours fragile and poetic
LePôle improvises with its suitcases full of unlikely machines and visual surprises...
LePôle =digitalexperimentationofemotionalgigabytes


All information should be free.  - the hacker ethic