in the last thread "Name conflicts "class overwritten; old one renamed 'x_aliased'" I was telling how in cyclone you can compile Line~ with alias names such as "line~" and "cyclone/line~", so you can call these two other versions instead. Other files in cyclone have alias name like Scope~ can be called as "scope~".

But I don't get how this works. The thing is, as i was also trying to clarify in previous threads, I though you could only call and load an alias after I instantiate the object with the official' name.

So, before being able to call "scope~" I'd have to load it as "Scope~". Or load it as "Line~" before "line~" and "cyclone/line~". Or everythiing should have been first loaded as a regular library, then I can call whatever object... I was believing that was the case, and someone like Roman was pending that way as well.

but these objects in cyclone prove wrong, there seems to be a way... but it also sees like some ninja trick with some restrictions, cause I tried renaming one of the aliases from "line~" to "pizza~" and it didn't work. Does it have to do with some 

can anyone shed some light on?
