Ciao Frank,
thanks for the tip.
I'm using [presetstore] which writes to [pd presetstore0] (etc...) subpatches. (BTW, latest s-abstractions don't have [presetstore] any more?)
I've set up the print on receivers, but I guess placing [r $2-SSSAD_ADMIN] and [r $2-SSSAD] inside the [presetstore] patch was not a good idea because they didn't receive anything (where to put them then?)
The output looks like this:
SSSAD: list e5/envelope 4 0 79 68 80 69 47 140 46
SSSAD: list e3/envelope 3 0 80 44 80 140 70
SSSAD: list e2/envelope 4 0 38 61 80 94 40 140 80
SSSAD: list e4/envelope 7 0 80 36 65 55 39 76 70 96 38 113 69 140 80
SSSAD: list e1/envelope 2 0 0 140 80
presetstore saving: presetstore6
The other strange sting is that the output only shows the stuff to save for the envelopes which had sssad "built in" (they are based on an older version of [s-env] i think), and no data for the numerous objects for which I have set up sssad myself. They are all calling sssad from the same location however (no directory prefix, just [sssad]), which is, according to my search path, is the sssad in s-abstractions.
I'm still lost...