
I am trying to find a simple and efficient way to divide quarter notes in Pd.

The patch I am constructing is a kind of ostinato sequencer. There are four quarter notes, which should each by divided into 1-16 ticks (user definable). So, QT1 could be divided into 5 ticks, QT2 into 10, QT3 into 1, and QT4 into 16. On the GUI, a series of 16 toggles allow the user to sequence and trigger a sample at each outputted tick.

I was originally using the [timing.tempo] pdmtl patch as my clock. It largely works well, but there is a second component to this project, where a variable master tempo can change across time. With quickly shifting tempos, [timing.tempo] stumbles and occasionally counts incorrectly.

Can anyone recommend a simple way to divide a clock in the fashion described above? Perhaps there is already a stable abstraction out there I can take advantage of?

Thanks !!
