Does this firmware handle multiple ultrasound sensors?  If so, it would awesome to make a Firmata Ultrasound firmware.  I just started making the Firmata protocol into a library so that people can write more firmwares and still use the same objects in the host software.  A multiple ultrasound sensor would be a great first test of this library, since it would only need to input data.


On May 10, 2007, at 5:27 PM, Koray Tahiroglu wrote:

Hello Kyle,

I am glad that those patches worked and helped you out with your project. I guess big thanks goes to Hans for them, cos during that time, I just modified his existing multi-sensor patches and developed them further to use in my project.


M.Koray Tahiroglu
Media Lab,UIAH
tel: +358 50 939 02 33 ( in Finland only)
tel: +90 533 712 8245 

On May 10, 2007, at 11:38 PM, Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

Thanks so much Koray, it works great!

I see you used the same Arduino code for the sensor as I had found,
and your Pd patch is very well-written and well-commented.

I appreciate this, because I did not want to try coding
microsecond-level events in Pd by porting the Arduino code and using
firmata, and I didn't want to use the SimpleMessaging library either.
This helps us out a TON!


On 5/8/07, Koray Tahiroglu <> wrote:
Hello Kyle,

Here I attach .pde files for arduino to read ultrasound sensors (they might
have already there in the arduino sketchbook already, but just sending to be
sure) and also modified Hans pd patches for arduino-pd communication. I
didn't test them lately, but they used to be working fine.



M.Koray Tahiroglu
Media Lab,UIAH
tel: +358 50 939 02 33 ( in Finland only)
tel: +90 533 712 8245

On May 8, 2007, at 5:48 AM, Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

Hi Koray~

I am working on a group project that involves Arduino and the parallax
PING ultrasonic sensors. Would you be willing to share your Pd patches
regarding this usage, as indicated in this email?

Thanks in advance!


On 12/22/05, Koray Tahiroglu <> wrote:
hello Hans,

I made couple of test patches just to see the range and the stability
of the values that I receive from sensors. At the moment, I am
testing ultrasound sensor and also self made solar panel board
sensor. After this weekend I will begin to construct my final patches
for a gig that will be on 14th of January. I can upload the patches
on PD site. During our Arduino+PD workshop two weeks ago, we
basically started to develop your multi-sensor patch, which actually
David had changed couple of things during a previous workshop in
Vancouver. All in all i think it is such a nice idea to make easy-to-
use framework for sensor boxes. Especially most of the Mac OS X users
have problems with comport communication.


M.Koray Tahiroglu
Media Lab,
University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK
Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland
tel: +358 40 754 8449
fax: +358 9 75630 555

On Dec 21, 2005, at 9:32 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

> Do you have an patches that you are willing to share?  I want to
> see how people are using various boards with Pd.
> I will be working a lot with sensor boards in the coming months,
> including the Arduino, MultIO, and STEIM's junXionbox.  Basically,
> I want to make an easy-to-use framework like the [hid] toolkit for
> sensor boxes.  So basically, I'll be making high-level abstractions
> to interface these boxes which output data in a floating point
> range of 0-1.  That means you can then use all of the mapping
> objects that I wrote for the [hid] toolkit.  Actually, I think the
> grand plan will be to make a separate library of mapping objects,
> and then librariess for HIDs, sensor boxes, etc.
> .hc
> On Dec 20, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Koray Tahiroglu wrote:
>> I've been using arduino with PD heavily since the beginning of
>> December, I am happy with the ready sensor connections as well as
>> self made sensors. And Arduino is an open source microcontroller
>> hardware,
>> cheers,
>> Koray.
>> On Dec 20, 2005, at 7:55 PM, wrote:
>>> There are also the arduino and wiring boards that talk nicely
>>> with many progs.
>> -----------------
>> M.Koray Tahiroglu
>> Media Lab,
>> University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK
>> Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland
>> tel: +358 40 754 8449
>> fax: +358 9 75630
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If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.            - Thomas Jefferson