Hey Pierre,

[import] isn't a vanilla object so may not be installed on the pi?  I think it's in the repo's though.

When you start as root it has it's own version of.pdsettings so the preferences will be different.  To have matching settings between root and regular user just copy one of the .pdsettings to the other's home folder.

Obviously not an ideal solution (ie dirty hack) but as long as your libs are in the search path [zexy/limiter~], for example, should always work.



On 7 July 2013 19:24, Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear List,

My Pi is finally working again with Pd, but i've noticed two strange things (strange to me) :
- the libraries in the "startup" list simply won't load most of the time (zexy, cyclone, iemlib at least), although they were installed regularly in the extra folder. I have to add their folders to the "Path" list. Note that the [import] object doesn't work either for these libraries.
- when launching Pd as root, the preferences I set as a normal use don't load. This is a bit strange to me, and I have no idea how to tell Pd to use the same .pdsettings file in both situations.

Nothing that I couldn't get around, but the this is a bit frustating (especially the libraries thing).



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