
First, thanks a lot all of you which are working in this project! I'm learning a lot and I have much more to learn because of your work. It is very important to me and for those who are coming. Thanks! 

Second, I'm pd and Max 7 user,  and would like to say which in my point of view cyclone is very useful to anyone like me which use pd and max... Max 7 are very used for Ableton Live users because Max for Live and a library (cyclone) bridging cycling74 platform with pd are a useful tool to learn patchs and coffee them with different features offered by each of them. And for me is something sad to know that bridge is large outdated, and the worse,  we have people interested in make the updates to allow patches workables in pd (cyclone) and Max and exist the possibility of stay with an outdated compatibility.

Only to reforce,  several people I know are working and learning max4live, that is Max 7, what seems relevant this update. 

This is only my point of view. A user,  and I wish contributor too in the future.


Esteban Viveros

Em qua, 17 de fev de 2016 17:46, Marco Matteo Markidis <mm.markidis@gmail.com> escreveu:
Dear Fred,

some of the objects proposed by Porres could be added in cyclone? If yes, we can work on them; otherwise I see your todo list[1]. If you confirm this list probably it's better to work to fix bugs.


Marco Matteo Markidis

[1]: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/cycloneToDo.html

2016-02-17 19:33 GMT+01:00 Fred Jan Kraan <fjkraan@xs4all.nl>:
Hi Alexandre,

Howdy, if you understand only a part of it, I know that I know about

But hey, as I understand it, there's quite some work to make it (loading
the weird name objects without [declare]) happen and you'd rather focus
on other fixes, cool.

Well, I'm just starting using github
<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fporres%2Fpd-cyclone&h=FAQF6upTy> and
have mobilized others to collaborate with new objects for cyclone,
according to that list I shared these days.

You may have noticed a pull request already for [pong]. I'm working with
someone else and we should be having scale / scale~ / atodb / dbtoa /
atodb~ / dbtoa~ / trunc~ ready quite soon!

Yes, I noticed. I appreciate all you do for pd and cyclone in particular, but I cannot accept the request. Cyclone is one of the few libraries with a closed set of objects; only those part of Max/MSP, arbitrary set around version 4.6 or 5.

Cyclone is already quite big, with 150+ objects. This seems a good reason to be selective in which objects should be added. Just because objects are or should be in Max/MSP is not reason enough. If it exists in another library, it is unneeded IMHO.

I can bother myself to try and deal with the issues regarding these
objects, but I think a start could be to create new objects with the
unweird names, this is not in conflict with Max compatibility, as it
also loads these objects via the same way (again, they'd be:
/greaterthan~ / greaterthaneq~ / lessthan~ / lessthaneq~ / equals~ /
notequals~ / plusequals~ / rminus~ / rminus / rdiv~ /  rdiv / modulo~/).
It wouldn't get in conflict with current state of cyclone either and the
help files of these objects could refer to nettles and all. Cool? Later
on in the game I can try and figure out how to load them without declare.

Personally I have no issue with [declare] as it is vanilla. Or with the weird names; if you want un-weird names, abstractions (containing [declare] should work too?




Fred Jan

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