2017-02-14 14:42 GMT-02:00 Lucas Cordiviola <lucarda27@hotmail.com>:

Did "Extended" used Dejavu on Mac?

No, but here's the deal... it looks exactly like DejaVu in Extended anyway...

If you get Extended in Windows with DejaVu and compare it to Extended in Mac Os with Monaco, they look virtually the same.

The kind of conflict I'm raising here between vanilla and purr data is not only about different fonts and the idea that they are too different. Monaco is supposed to be a good replacement for DejaVu...

the only point is that DejaVu, Monaco, or whatever, doesn't really look the same when you open the same patch, with the same font in vanilla or purr data - I thought I made that clear from my first message :)

Most of your patches have been made with Monaco, at least the Cyclone ones, correct?

all of them I should say... 
