>Try this:>nw.Window.open("D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm");
>Hopefully the page will still load. But even if it's broken, right-click on the window and open devtools.
>Now try:>var pdgui = nw.require("./pdgui.js");
>If that works you should be able to do this:
>pdgui.pdsend("pd dsp 1");
>> It displays there on the patch but I cant put [objects] over it.
>There's no way to do anything like that yet.
>> This is not the best example as x3.htm has almost none CSS, but you get the idea of how cool the patch could be.
>I understand what you're getting at. There are definitely a lot of possibilities here.