Howdy, if you understand only a part of it, I know that I know about nothing.
But hey, as I understand it, there's quite some work to make it (loading the weird name objects without [declare]) happen and you'd rather focus on other fixes, cool.
Well, I'm just starting using github and have mobilized others to collaborate with new objects for cyclone, according to that list I shared these days.
You may have noticed a pull request already for [pong]. I'm working with someone else and we should be having scale / scale~ / atodb / dbtoa / atodb~ / dbtoa~ / trunc~ ready quite soon!
I can bother myself to try and deal with the issues regarding these objects, but I think a start could be to create new objects with the unweird names, this is not in conflict with Max compatibility, as it also loads these objects via the same way (again, they'd be: greaterthan~ / greaterthaneq~ / lessthan~ / lessthaneq~ / equals~ / notequals~ / plusequals~ / rminus~ / rminus / rdiv~ / rdiv / modulo~). It wouldn't get in conflict with current state of cyclone either and the help files of these objects could refer to nettles and all. Cool? Later on in the game I can try and figure out how to load them without declare.