This is a good point. 
I wish that individual files would have their own separate help files quite often.  Say, when getting help for ctrlin or midiin (or others of their ilk), it's quite annoying to new (and more seasoned) users to get detailed information on these objects. 
Help files should be like a man page with a working set of embedded examples.

On 1/5/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner <> wrote:

The PDDP standard for this is to have every object have its own help
file, then have a shared "all_about" patch for the common parts.  You
can link to that other patch using pddp/open or pddp/pddplink.

Each object's help patch should have an example that is specific to
that object.  If there aren't different examples, then I don't see
the point of having different objects...


On Jan 4, 2007, at 9:55 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

> I have several abstractions for which there should logically be one
> common helpfile explaining them all at once. How do I specify the
> name of the helpfile I want to have opened?
> I want to do like class_sethelpsymbol() but for abstractions
> instead of externals.
> (Have I asked that question before? I don't remember)
>  _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
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