Hi Arda,
Whatever script you use doesn't matter. The point is that you search and replace text in the ps-file, so open the file with a text editor (e.g. gedit). For me it usually works to change the following line for all textfields in the patch (e.g. use Ctrl-H):
13 -0.0 0.0 0 false DrawText
13 -0.0 -0.3 0 false DrawText
I prefer to use Courier-Bold for pd.ps-images. To change the font search for the word "font" and look for any font family (Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H). The standard is DejaVu...etc.. (I guess something with mono and bold, but I don't know exactly for I changed the default to UbuntuMono-Bold). Do the same trick again with search and replace and try again until you like the result. If you have lots of files it would make sense to write a script for the search and replace thing.
Have fun!