#N canvas 767 228 454 444 12; #X text 39 20 A library of graphical objects; #N canvas 686 559 581 359 num 0; #X obj 91 184 filledpolygon 900 900 1 0 -5 10 -5 10 5 0 5; #X text 80 32 The float value can only be moved on the y-axis; #X text 112 154 A red box visualizes the float value:; #X obj 193 66 struct num float y; #X restore 95 69 pd num; #N canvas 445 540 648 345 grob-lib 0; #X text 42 137 Arrays are painted using "plot" drawing instructions: ; #X text 44 21 This declares an array named "numbers" whose elements are described by the template "num". Note that array declarations take three arguments: the word "array" \, the name of the array and the name of the elements.; #X obj 57 166 plot numbers 90 5 15 0 15; #X obj 65 100 struct grob-lib float x float y array numbers num; #X restore 96 93 pd grob-lib; #X text 180 65 float as red-box; #X text 218 92 num plotted as numbers; #N canvas 686 559 581 359 num-x 0; #X obj 91 184 filledpolygon 900 900 1 0 -5 10 -5 10 5 0 5; #X obj 135 95 struct num-x float y float x; #X text 80 32 The num-x float has an and an x field.; #X text 112 154 A red box visualizes the float values:; #X restore 91 193 pd num-x; #N canvas 445 540 648 345 grob-lib-x 0; #X text 42 137 Arrays are painted using "plot" drawing instructions: ; #X text 44 21 This declares an array named "numbers" whose elements are described by the template "num". Note that array declarations take three arguments: the word "array" \, the name of the array and the name of the elements.; #X obj 57 166 plot numbers 90 5 15 0 15; #X obj 65 100 struct grob-lib-x float x float y array numbers num-x ; #X restore 92 221 pd grob-lib-x; #X text 228 221 num-x plotted; #X text 194 191 float with x and y fields; #X text 194 289 float with x \, y and w fields; #X text 228 319 num-w plotted; #N canvas 445 540 648 345 grob-lib-w 0; #X text 42 137 Arrays are painted using "plot" drawing instructions: ; #X text 44 21 This declares an array named "numbers" whose elements are described by the template "num". Note that array declarations take three arguments: the word "array" \, the name of the array and the name of the elements.; #X obj 65 98 struct grob-lib-w float x float y array numbers num-w ; #X obj 57 166 plot numbers 90 5 15 0 15; #X restore 92 319 pd grob-lib-w; #N canvas 686 559 581 359 num-w 0; #X obj 91 184 filledpolygon 900 900 1 0 -5 10 -5 10 5 0 5; #X text 112 154 A red box visualizes the float values:; #X obj 135 95 struct num-w float y float x float w; #X text 80 32 The num-w float has a w and an x field added.; #X restore 91 291 pd num-w;