You also have not implemented assoc and deassoc, I'm thinking about that.

coll saves the text separating with a comma the index and the actual message. You can also do that with [text] and if you do so you could potentially use it to define and detect an address, and have something else associated with it - I hope you know what I mean and that I'm not too confused.

Em qui., 3 de set. de 2020 às 19:31, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
João, you say it can't "embed" and save contents with the patch, but [text] allows you to do so with the "-k" flag, why don't you use it?

Em qui., 3 de set. de 2020 às 19:18, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
Em qui., 3 de set. de 2020 às 19:11, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
actually, just one external (f+), but used multiple times

Oh, I see that's also a vanilla abstraction :) sorry