Everyone, this should not be a surprise

I'm unaware inlet/outlets grew... I'll have a look and see what's up.  I
don't think there's any reason for them to have chanced.

I spent *2 weeks* working on the GUI and there was extensive tweaking back and forth asking for feedback for a fews weeks afterwards both on this list and on Github:



It's not like I / we suddenly pulled a "fast one."

Things move in steps. First was to fix a lot of the sizing issues as related to fonts, different platforms, and zooming. Part of porting in the extended sizing was that many people seemed to want it and, in the future, it would be much easier to allow for showing different inlet/outlet types. At least it would be an *option*.

A possible next step is to expose sizing and color options like this, but I only focused on fixes and laying the groundwork. As we can see, it doesn't;t seem to be possible to make *everyone* happy.

yeah, definitely looks very "extended-ish"

even if "uniform rendering across systems" is definitely a worthy goal,
are the bigger inlets really unavoidable ?

Some people might as "are the inlets being a different size than the outlets really unavoidable?" :)

no chance to at least hack a personal version of a tcl file to make them 
thin again ?

Not yet. But it now *could* be a setting as the sizing was hardcoded before and now it relies on a single define. This define could now be more easily replaced by a variable.

(in fact the fat ones where a reason i intuitively rejected pdx/purrdata 
and stayed with vanilla. i just didn't like the bloated look. but here 
we are ...)

Really? Would you really *not* use Pd over this? For now, you can build Pd yourself and change the io height: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/blob/master/src/g_canvas.h#L47

"bloated?" Come on, it's like 1 pixel makes it look like MAX...

Dan Wilcox