hi Oliver - thanks for the advice! i was thinking of slowing the transmission speed as a solution, but i'll try it with iemnet library later today. incidentally i did try this data dump scenario via OSC on my macOS machine from the Unity Editor and it had no issue with PD at all. BTW i'm using the standard vanilla install of .50.0 from Miller's site, 64 bit in both cases (Mac and Windows).


On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 5:28 AM oliver <oliver@klingt.org> wrote:

> so i figure the first step is to look at the crash logs to see what part
> of PD or possibly a external, makes it crash. thanks to advice from
> others, esp Lucas, regarding ASIO, i'm getting better low-latency
> response from the audio at least, but overall it's still barely alpha
> stable in a performance setting. any advice appreciated!


i just experienced a similar crash-scenario like scott did.

it happens when i send lots of OSC data (from MAX in that case) too fast
to PD with the vanilla [netreceive] object as receiver. "too fast" means
that i dumped a huge list of camera formats (~ 50 symbols) all at once
to OSC.

there's no crash when i use IEMNET's [udpreceive] instead !

tested on PD 0.48 - 0.50 on a Windows 7 / 64bit system



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