Hi Alex,
I'm having troubles with the new [coll] on MsWindows.
It seems that using it with no-threading crashes Pd.
Opening the help patch crashes but creating a [cyclone/coll a] don't. But if you create a [cyclone/coll a @threaded 0] it crashes.
I also try compiling the sources but is the same.
can you fix it?
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
From: Pd-list <pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at> on behalf of Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 6:39 PM
To: pd-list@lists.iem.at
Subject: [PD] Cyclone 0.3 beta 2 releasedWe got a new release of Cyclone (0.3 beta 2) - the library that clones Max/MSP objects! Not much news here, but the fact that this version will be the first version from cyclone 0.3 to be included in the next Purr Data release soon. I know I said this about the release of "cyclone 0.3 beta 1", but this time this is for real
Most important changes from beta1 are: operators from the cyclone sub library (like >~, <~, etc) now accept the "cyclone/" prefix, to be compatible to Purr Data, which will not requite a library to load these objects as it has the [hexloader] external built-in.
I hope vanilla could have [hexloader] built in, but this is too unlikely, so the plan is not only to keep using a library named cyclone to carry these operators, but also to include all objects from cyclone into this single binary pack, in the same way as cyclone was once originally distributed.
A couple of other highlights is that we also made major fixes for old [sprintf] and took care of a bug we introduced to [funnel].
This should be up in deken in a day or so, but you can download it here if you like: https://github.com/
And stay tuned for the next Purr Data release