I guess it means that those non-GNU/linux users who only use Pd because it's free-as-in-beer would be able to choose between Pd and this light-beer-version of Max. But from what I know of free beer aficionados, they seem quite comfortable downloading warez to get full versions of commercial software, which-- judging from a quick search of pirate bay-- seems already to be the case with Max. So I don't think this possibility would change the relationship between Max and Pd very much, if at all. (Though I'm sure it would change the way non-warez-seekerz try out Max, though this depends on exactly what limitations the free-beer version would have.) The only substantial thing I can think of that would cause a change in the relationship between Max and Pd is if Cycling 74 did something like release a new version of Max under the X11 License. (Or if they did like Juce and sold commercial licenses on an individual basis.) -Jonathan --- On Mon, 9/20/10, Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com> wrote: