Have you made substantial improvements to comment.c in your fork?
Also, I'm not sure whether that code is trying to match Max's interface or whether it's simply an ad hocapproach to getting arbitrary fonts to display and interact in a Pd canvas. If it's the latter then I don't want to waste time on it.
Another reason for putting it off is that I still haven't figured out a sane approachto handling arbitrary fonts in a diagram where everything is absolutely positioned.In fact I only have a minimally-workable approach to handling a single, mono-spaced font across platforms. For example, there was a change somewhere inthe Gnu/Linux font-stack (relatively) recently that renders fonts (or at leastDejaVu Sans Mono) noticeably wider than before. So Windows, OSX, andold Gnu/Linux would render a particular line of text sized at "12px" within lessthan a single pixel of each other. The new Gnu/Linux font stack (seen in Ubuntu16.04 and some recent Arch) rendered the same text about 7 pixels wider.Worse, the newer Gnu/Linux font stack quantizes the "px" sizes such that thenext smallest size is noticeably smaller. So in Ubuntu 16.04 I have to compromiseby keeping the object box the same size and having some extra padding at theend-- otherwise users of that OS could end up tightly spacing their object chainsin ways that cause overlaps on the other platforms.So... I'd like to get a handle on that mess first, then handling arbitrary fontfamilies-- as in cyclone/comment-- will hopefully be easier and less proneto bugs.