yes i agree also
put the file on-line and off-line

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Derek Holzer <> wrote:
Yes agreed, I like having a "local copy" of the archive for those special times when the internet is far away. And the idea of having to manually rename every attachment isn't very cool either!!!!!! I see lots of complaints on the horizon for that. Imagine having a complicated patch with several abstractions that must be sorted and properly named in order for it to work.


Frank Barknecht wrote:
IOhannes m zmoelnig hat gesagt: // IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

but then i really think it is not such a bad idea to enable this feature.
any other opinions?

Hm, would this mean that we would not get any attachements sent anymore, just
links?  That I wouldn't really like, as it make my personal list-archive depend
on, which is not available everywhere I go.


::: derek holzer ::: ::: :::
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Bernardo Gomes de Amorim - 2009

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