Sorry, did not read that deep enough the first time.

Wish I could help more, but I can't.


On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Kyle Klipowicz <> wrote:
Try researching "edge detection."


On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Athos Bacchiocchi <> wrote:

i'm working on a little project in which some notes with random pitches and duration appear at random time intervals. Each note is packed in a "midi" format (pitch and velocity), with a note-off event (pitch and zero velocity) sent after the note duration interval.

 it can happen that a new note is generated before the previous one has been stopped.That's not a trouble, since i  can handle it with [poly], eventually set to 1 voice and with voice stealing to force a "monophonic" melody.

The problem appears if the new note coming has the same pitch than the previous one. This is impossible for a "real" midi keyboard, in fact a key can be played again only after it has been released.
This leads to an undesired behaviour of [poly]: if there are more than 1 voice, i have the sum of different voices playing the same note, with an undesiderd increase of the volume. Even worse, when the voice is only one, the note-off message of the previous note stops the new note before its assigned time duration!

I tried to set up a strategy to avoid this, but with no results.  Any idea?


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