Dear PD-Users,
                         I'm having a problem with a patch that filters overtones from a sample. I use for that a bp filter. The center values for frecuency, Q and output volume are changed according to which overtone one wishes to hear. It is so configured, that one can select between overtones 3 to 17, pressing keys d, r, f, t, g, y, h, u, j, i, k, o, l, p and ñ (I have a spanish keyboard). The problem is when I want to change between overtones: one hears a noise. I solved that partially by reducing the output volume of the bp filter to 0, than changing the filter parameters values and then raising up the volume again to 1. That works only with adjacent overtones (for ex. overtone 3 to 4 or 3 to 5), but with larger jumps (for ex. 3 to 15), the noise comes again, the larger the jump, the stronger the noise.

           I send attached the patch and a sample (Fagot). You need to open the sample ("open file" bang), select the third Vradio-square (Fagot, that sends specific Q and volume values for filtering this sample), then start the sample (key "a", it loops itself), then overtone selection (keys d, r, f, t...). The filter is in the suubpatch "Overtone_Filter". If you try for example changing from overtone 3 ("d") to 12 ("i") you'll hear a strong noise...
I hope you can help me! I'll use this for a research on overtones effects on human health.

Daniel Salva