[canvasconnections] only seems to work with the containing canvas.

I meant to query the inlets/outlets of every object. An object can be e.g. [osc~], [expr], etc... any object that has been instantiated in the patch.

Federico Ferri

On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 7:43 PM IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
Am 24. Mai 2022 17:06:10 MESZ schrieb Federico Ferri <federico.ferri.it@gmail.com>:

I just came across the iemguts library and also this old presentation [1].

I was wondering if there is also a way of knowing how many inlets and outlets an object has. That would probably complete the introspection that can be done on a canvas and its objects...

I haven't found any among iemguts.

(btw, when trying the iemguts objects, it seems [objectrename] does not work with pd-0.52.2: the old object name still works, and the new one not)

Federico Ferri

I'm currently afk, but iirc [canvasconnections] should give you the number of iolets.

Not sure I understand the 2nd question.

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