Hi all,
I've finally gotten around to making some improvements and updates to the timbreID library, so I'd be grateful for any feedback and bug reports at this point. You can currently get source code and Linux/Mac/Windows binaries via deken. Below is a short list of the main additions. One major point is that I decided to use FFTW this time around. I've managed to get that working fine on Linux/Mac/Windows, but it would be great to get any advice on how to minimize the trouble that that dependency brings up. Makefile edits and suggestions are also very welcome, especially aspects that involve linking to FFTW on these 3 different platforms.
Bark-based versions of all spectral features (barkSpecCentroid~, barkSpecSpread~, etc.)
A cepstrum-based pitch tracker (cepstrumPitch~)
An attack time analysis object (attackTime~)
Spectral slope analysis objects (specSlope~, barkSpecSlope~)
A waveform slope analysis object (waveSlope~)
A DCT object (dct~)
Various simple time-domain objects (peakSample~, minSample~, maxSample~, minSampleDelta~, maxSampleDelta~)
Various conversion objects (bin2freq, bark2freq, etc.)
Additional [tabletool] methods (clip, round, ceiling, floor, maximum magnitude, find zero crossings, mtof, ftom, dbtorms, rmstodb, bin2freq, freq2bin, bark2freq, freq2bark, auto-fit boundaries)
Various improvements to the database/classification object [timbreID]
There is also an updated examples package, which mainly addresses the change in functionality of [timbreID]'s fourth outlet, but has significant improvements for the concatenative and timbre space examples. It also includes a new example directory for audio segmentation. You can get that at
http://williambrent.conflations.com/pages/research.html#timbreID. I've also set up a GitHub repo at wbrent/timbreID, which has everything (source, binaries, example patches).
Thanks and feel free to write me on or off list.