ow, okay, that should solve the problem. let me give it a try. anyway, the pix_rgba must also be applied to the referenced image isn't it? i mean the image that the image from the camera should be compared to...
thank you
yeh it's quite clear...
the yuv images that comes from your cam
must be converted to rgba with pix_rgba
before being passed to opencv
that only works with rgb and grey internally..
Adityo Pratomo wrote:
hey everyone,
I was playing with the pix_opencv_hu_compare because I figure that it's the best way to track and detect a picture in a card. But then I got the error message:
[pix_opencv_threshold]: pix_opencv_threshold : yuv format not supported
error: [pix_opencv_hu_compare] : no method to combine (YUV) and (RGBA)
do you know why is it?
Thanks a lot :)
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Adityo Pratomo <quietdidit@gmail.com <mailto:quietdidit@gmail.com>> wrote:<mailto:ydegoyon@gmail.com> <ydegoyon@gmail.com
ola yves,
ookay, i'll try that, even though i did try to go back to
pd-extended 0.41-4, and yeah your opencv works :) but i'll try
your suggestion anyway :D
Anyway, i Was wondering, what is the best way to implement blob
detection on pd? or if I want to detect and track an edge of an
object from a camera, what is the best way to do it?
Thank you
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:23 PM, ydegoyon@gmail.comPd-list@iem.at <mailto:Pd-list@iem.at> mailing list
<mailto:ydegoyon@gmail.com>> wrote:
hum, get sure you've got something here:
and that you installed the target pd-extended too in :
it should work then
Adityo Pratomo wrote:
hi there,
i was compiling puredata_opencv this morning for a school
project. however, i got this error while trying to compile it:
configure: error: you need to install opencv library (libcv)
i already followed all the sequence of compiling it. I'm
on a Mac, so I already put the opencv framework on
/Library/Frameworks folder, and I already downloaded the
pd 0.42.5 and Gem 0.92.3, because i'm using the latest
any suggestion why is this happening? Or should I just use
the previous pd-extended so that I can use the available
packages of puredata_opencv?
Thank you very much for any help :)
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