The best way is to use fiddle~ ( you will find it in the ‘extras’ directory of the pd distribution)  but perhaps not the most economical.  It works great and on my celeron 533MHz the usage of fiddle is not much noticeable (CPU-wise).  The help patch for fiddle~ is in the same dir.  I’ve seen a mention of some simpler ‘pitch tracker’ but I can’t recall the name...  or I’m just confused...


"To be is to do" - Socrates
"To do is to be" - Sartre
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra
"Just do it!"    - NIKE
"It"             - Stephen King

On 8/19/01 12:09 PM, "Nano Rosas" <> wrote:

Hello to all!
I'm a young southamerican composer, who is starting to learn to use this great program (or i should say languaje?).
And I have a question:
which is the more economical way of getting the frequency of an audio signal?
There is no kind of reversed osc~ which functions backwards?
Not to-complex answer will be realy apreciated.