It turns out it's not an easy thing.  In order to poll the wiimote you need to use a Carbon CFRunLoop.  Since Max/MSP is a Carbon app natively, the aka.wiiremote object can just tag onto the built-in CFRunLoop to get events.  Pd's Tcl/Tk process is a Carbon app, but that's a separate process from 'pd'.  

So after a fair amount of discussion with Apple engineers, it seems that the only solution is to make a totally separate process (yes a process, not just a thread) which runs the CFRunLoop to poll the wiiremote.  Then the Pd object will poll that process to get data from it.  This is not simple, but doable, hence the delay.

If only Nintendo had just made it a proper HID device, then it would 'just work' with [hid].  But they did something quite stupid, they make it show up as if it was a proper HID device, but then it sends custom, non-HID data packets.  So the OS sees it as a HID device and associates with it, but then can't understand the data from it.  That leaves the IOBluetooth API as  only option, which is tied to Carbon CFRunLoops.

The best solution would be if someone wrote a driver for it that translated the custom data packets into HID, then it would 'just work' with [hid].  Unfortunately, I am not a driver guy...

For now, this looks like a good option for using the wiiremote with Pd on Mac OS X:


On Mar 21, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

How is the Progress with the wiiremote external ??? (especially Mac-Intel)

I have played around with OSculator and its really working fine.

Anybody else playing around with the Wii ???

Happy Easter



Luigi Rensinghoff

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Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish.    -William Carlos Williams