On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Mike McGonagle wrote:
> So, it would appear that I am wrong, it is for PD, but in the README, it
> says it is not working...
> It also goes through another Database Layer, rather than compiling directly
> into the external. I still can't figure out its API in PD...
> Mike
> PS, sorry for all these messages...
> On Jan 3, 2008 1:40 PM, Mike McGonagle <
mjmogo@gmail.com> wrote:
http://puredata.info/community/projects/software/ftm/>> Hans,
>> This is the URL for the FTM stuff on the PureData site. It appears that
>> this code is still Max specific, and there are a lot of Macros so I can't
>> really tell what is going on at first glance.
>> I don't have Max, so if you know anyone that might be using this, and they
>> could send some screen shots of what they have, that would be really useful.
>> IOhannes says he doesn't have Max either, so I don't know anyone who might
>> have access to these things.
>> Mike
>> On Jan 3, 2008 1:13 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <
hans@eds.org> wrote:
>>> You should have CVS access now, so if you check this into CVS, then it
>>> shouldn't be too hard to add it to the nightly builds. That certainly makes
>>> it easier for people to test it.
>>> .hc
>>> On Jan 2, 2008, at 8:19 AM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
>>> Ed,
>>> I really doubt that anyone has tried this yet, as this is just the first
>>> release, and even that is very preliminary. We are still trying to get the
>>> programming interface down in PD.
>>> You may be able to try taking a basic makefile from some other external.
>>> The only difference here is that you also need to compile the Sqlite3 code
>>> into an object file. It then gets linked up with the SQLdb object. You may,
>>> depending on what 'warning' you ask for, see a lot of message. I have yet to
>>> find any troubles with the resulting compiled objects. You can check with
>>> the SQLite site for details, but probably won't need to...
>>> I do have access to a Ubuntu (GG) install, so I can try to figure
>>> something out there, but that won't happen for a few days.
>>> BUT, if anyone does create a makefile, please forward it to me, and I
>>> can add it to the main makefile.
>>> Mike
>>> On Jan 2, 2008 9:49 AM, Ed Kelly <
morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> has anyone had any experience of compiling Mogo's SQLdb v0.0 for
>>>> linux? The makefile refers to the OSX SDK...
>>>> peace,
>>>> Ed
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