hey folks my PD on Windows saga continues. over the last day i've experienced:
15 second MIDI input delay on MIDI port input (32 and 64 bit vanilla) - Purr Data and the CEAMMC PD distribution had no issues. but for me using a Roland UM-ONE very basic USB- MIDI interface, PD was effectively not responding in even close to a timely manner. alll on PD 49.0
UI glitches in the CEAMMC matrix.ui object. the window containing it cannot be closed or minimized without resulting in a glitch making it blank and non-interactable. this is in both vanilla and CEAMMC distributions in 32 and 64 bit.
Alexander Porres' mtx.ctl object worked great in PD vanilla but with the MIDI data delay i had, it was useless. switching to CEAMMC's PD build resulted in much better MIDI input latency but ruined the layout of the ELSE library's mtx.ctl object - back to the drawing board...
on top of that there's a subpatcher that cannot be opened at all. it's very simple with numbers and [pack] objects. Windows shows that the window exists but i cannot view it. this error occurs on every version of PD i've tried on Windows, but works fine on the Mac. no other subpatchers are affected however, as far as i can tell.
oh and switching to the ASIO driver produces horribly distorted audio, although MMIO seems to work fine. the sound card is an Apogee Duet, as the internal audio is pretty unusable.
so, i'm disappointed enough in the inconsistency of performance under Windows(Win 10 64 bit Home on a ASUS ROG laptop with 16GB RAM) for what seems like a basic setup that i'm wondering about giving Linux a chance. this platform does VR audio and video fairly well but it seems like running PD is more of an experimental afterthought than a robust performance platform.
so i'm considering a switch to Linux and obviously it would have to have good audio and MIDI performance, but i'd really like it to be easy to install and configure with minimal console and shell scripting. any recommends on some specific distributions? i had considered Hackintoshing it and will have to replace the Wifi card with a more compatible one but if there's an easy method to put a good performing Linux so i could dual boot, i'd be very interested. of course with an Apogee Duet, i'll probably run into the fact that the device isn't fully supported, as it seems to be. no easy answers it seems...