Hello list, 

I need a bit of help with the latest vanilla (0.47.1) in ubuntu 16.04
I have compiled from source but I can't seem to get the audio working.
I have Ubuntu in my Macbook Pro (mid 2010) and I have followed the instructions  in "install.txt". checked the dependencies and after I finish it says:

Configuration summary:

  Target ...................... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  C++ bindings ................ no
  Debug output ................ no

  ALSA ........................ yes
  ASIHPI ...................... no

  OSS ......................... yes
  JACK ........................ yes

when I run pd in command line it says:

priority 94 scheduling failed.

but in pd I have no device to select in audio settings and  if i try to select anything, the pd window spits out this:

/dev/dsp (read/write): No such file or directory
(now will try write-only...)
/dev/dsp (writeonly): No such file or directory
/dev/dsp (readonly): No such file or directory
audio I/O stuck... closing audio

audio I/O stuck... closing audio

any ideas what I am doing wrong?

(screenshot attached)

any help will be deeply appreciated.


José Rafael Subía Valdez