Yeah, [nbx] ie. Number2 always slightly shorter in height, unless zoomed in so maybe due to rounding? I *think* this might be related to sizing the height to make the triangle on the left side fit better. I don't mind it, in some ways, as it also helps differentiate it from floatatom.

On Dec 16, 2022, at 12:00 PM, wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:03:05 +0100
From: IOhannes m zm?lnig <>
Subject: Re: [PD] Why sliders width changed?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

On 12/15/22 18:34, Jos? de Abreu wrote:
interesting, so what is the relationship between the font size and the
width? there is a formula?

a formula is probably not so interesting.

the logic for the iemgui sizes is, to make them appear at the same size 
as "normal" objects.
that is: a hslider will have the same height as a [float] object (and a 
vslider will have the same width as the hslider's height).

i don't know why [nbx] is not exactly the same height as [float] or 
gatom (but then: [float] and [gatom] don't have the same height either).


Dan Wilcox