you could try [makefilename] to generate the filenames to continually update the images.
and take a look at [gemlist] to make your grid. Seems to me a couple of [until]s with [gemlists] might be a fun way to solve this.
and yeah definitely [pix_texture] not [pix_draw] for speed, as others have said.
Hi Ben,
great work your patch.- - But do you think, that I could keep the images dynamic and take always new images ? The images would be always in the same folder, incremented by one: image 20, image 21, ...
thanks !
B. Bogart schrieb:--
Hi Frank,
Use "rectangle", not pix_draw (its slow)
If you can put images in a pix_buffer it'll be really fast.
Here is a 3x3 grid of images in gem (with lots of extra complexity)
Fränk Zimmer wrote:
I did an image grid in Processing.- Every 10sec a routine is looking images in a folder and displays them in an image grid of 8x8 images.
The Processing sketch does not run very stable, so I would like to know , if already somebody did try this in Pd.- Is there a more clever way, than using [pix_draw] and [translate] for this?
best, fraenk
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