On Ubuntu, I call my startup script in ~/.bash_profile and my shutdown/cleanup script in ~/.bash_logout.

Also, you will need to put ". .bashrc" at the beginning of the .bash_profile so all the default shell settings will be setup when it is called.

On Feb 17, 2010, at 10:49 AM, Bart Koppe wrote:

Hi Ben,

I would like the script to be respawnd, in the rare case the script might crash. Afaik putting it in .xsessions only cares of starting the script, right?


On 02/17/2010 04:35 AM, B. Bogart wrote:
Hey Bart,

Put the PD startup stuff in your ~/.xsession, and configure your display manager to use xsession. (eg chosee 'Xclient script' in GDM)

Bart Koppe wrote:

I use PD-extended in Debian Lenny, this for a small media-installation.
After the pc boots and logged into X, i would like pd (with gui) to start automatically.
I made the script below and wanted to use that in /etc/inittab. It seems to start as root and does not show a gui either.

The script itself works perfectly ok when I run it myself.
How can I configure inittab correctly so it runs as user instead of root, and shows the gui to?

My current inittab entry [to say: I don't know anything about inittab (blush) ]

the script (pd-daemon.sh)
export DISPLAY=:0.0
pd -open /home/abortx/pd/pdp-gem-bridge-3.pd &
while true; do
RUNNING=`pidof pd`
if [ -z $RUNNING ]; then
pd -open /home/abortx/pd/pdp-gem-bridge-3.pd &
sleep 10



Bart Koppe
bk at a-bort dot org

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.≈?¬- Douglas Adams

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