Chris and I have some ideas on this and it would not be very difficult, as opposed to either restarting Pd-extended or building an entirely new gui/app. We have a start but, I hate to sound like a broken record, neither he nor I have been able to put any time into it yet. Hopefully soon.

The basic ideas is a simple set of scripts which help you download rebuild library binaries or optional download and build the sources. As a start, they could be integrated into Vanilla as a gui plugin. Again, totally doable right now for an "extended" vanilla.

> It might work better to switch to a model of 
> separately maintained libraries

I vouch for that as well as I've been suggesting it too. In a sense we could make it very easy to install "extended libraries" into vanilla.

Not that I want to see the end of Pd-Extended, quite the opposite. But it seems a few changes need to be made in order for it to become more open as well and easier to maintain the fixes. Perhaps in a similar fashion than the "extended vanilla" idea. 

For example, the fixes that have already been made to the cyclone library, why can't we see it being put into an update right away? And why can't we download it and use it in Vanilla? It ain't right... the reasonable thing is that the community could manage it faster by fixing it and making it readily available for Extended and Vanilla.

Obviously I know there are issues involved that I cannot even begin to grasp for making things the way they are, but this is my two cents anyway...


Dan Wilcox