Hmm, sounds like there are more than one problem...
Can you (and Ben too if he's willing) try these...
time ..../ -send "pd quit"
time ..../ -nosound -send
"pd quit"
time ..../ -noprefs -send
"pd quit"
time ..../ -nostdpath -send
"pd quit"
I'm grasping at straws here :) Guessing that William's 8-second startup
and new popup might be something external that's fighting with some Mac
plist setting in Pd that might have changed.
On 6/1/24 12:12 AM, William Brent wrote:
> Thanks for this new release! Unfortunately, I can confirm the extra
> startup delay for macOS... I tested on an M1 machine with 64GB of
> memory running macOS 14.5.
> Also, I get the attached popup every time I open the app, even after
> clicking "allow." Maybe there's something in macOS preferences that
> will suppress it? After clicking "allow," it takes a full 8sec for the
> Pd window to appear. I've only timed this casually with my watch at
> this point, but after trying multiple times I can say that it's
> consistently around 8sec for me here. Pd-0.54-1 consistently springs
> to life in about 1sec for me.
> I'm happy to run any specific test routines if I can be useful on this.
> William
> On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 1:10 PM Miller Puckette
> <> wrote:
> Test 3 is out. This should resolve all the trouble we've had with
> test2
> except that one tester on MacOS is still finding that Pd 0.55
> loads way
> more slowly than 0.54 - I don't see that happening on my machine
> and I
> don't know how many machines will be affected... it might take a
> while
> to track this one down, but hopefully it won't affect many
> people. If
> you _do_ notice longer startup times on MacOS please let me (or
> the Pd
> list) know - with more data points it migth be easier for me to
> replicate the problem for myself.
> as usual: OR
> source on github:
> <;!!Mih3wA!GVjycnnXvxANGR5EvpOhP-gDSVl648XDg2uY4mOCl4Bx2j-OYstW0TnDQ7n7R0W2zf5OF7RaFNFSCSjeka4$>
> cheers
> Miller
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> William Brent
> “Great minds flock together”
> Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century
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