Then run this:

fink scanpackages
fink index
fink install artoolkit

I submitted it to Fink, but it doesn't work on x86_64 yet, so its not included in Fink yet.  It should work fine on PowerPC.


On Dec 13, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Cosmin S wrote:

Subject: Re: buiding_pd-extended
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 15:21:34 -0500

Wow, you've made it thru the hardest part, nice work!  All that compiling is a pain, makes you appreciate Debian/Ubuntu...  anyway, you do need the latest ffmpeg.  Since your build is dying on xvid, I would try updating it:

libxvid_rc.c: In function 'ff_xvid_rate_control_init':
libxvid_rc.c:70: error: 'xvid_plugin_2pass2_t' has no member named 'vbv_size'
libxvid_rc.c:71: error: 'xvid_plugin_2pass2_t' has no member named 'vbv_maxrate'
libxvid_rc.c:72: error: 'xvid_plugin_2pass2_t' has no member named 'vbv_initial'

So try this:

fink install xvidcore

Then re-run:

fink install ffmpeg


On Dec 12, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Cosmin S wrote:

Hey Hans,

Three days now that I compile all the dependencies in order to build pd-extended and artoolkit on ppc.
All dependencies are building with Fink, exept one: ffmpeg (see the log)

So actually I wonder if the unstable version of ffmpeg is absolutely necessary or if I shoud try with the stable one.

Have you encountered this issue by the past?



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