Hi all,
Yes, as stated -- ipoke~ is definitely implemented.
@Peter P. how you getting on with it? There's a more recent version too, with some additional classes and tests that
@katja implemented.
There's also an experimental ipoke4~built that's not short of complete (with more input from Katja,
@Matt Barber &
@Charles Z Henry ) but doesn't yet include help files, though there are various tests/comparisons. I'd be happy to send it to you as a dm P if you're interested but it's not quite ready for wider sharing as of yet. Thanks too to Fred Jan
@fjkraan@xs4all.nl for the pd lib builder version. The experimental version of the lib doesn't yet have this but Katja's makefile works good for me.
"If the project is dead, I could branch it on my GitHub with the SC and Max versions and maintain it..."
@Pierre Alexandre Tremblay - not dead but certainly been sleeping :)
Am happy to go with what you prefer here P.A.. The straight port is complete but most recent version could do with a polish - am happy to get that into some kind of shape, the rest is up to you.
We all know forks are generally bad...
A larger task that we got stuck on was working out best practice to share the wider lib (quite small, no more than 8 classes in total) - perhaps something for our small but mighty crew to consider (if anyone has any time?).
Finally, can I say what a brilliant project this was/is and huge thanks & respect to all involved.