Hi, ive been playing around with the synth in the "stuff" folder and noticed some mistakes/strange manipulations, the weird thing is that it works out of the box. Originally I considered it as a serious example, but since certain things dont work properly or are strange I thought perhaps this was meant as a fix-me to learn from? i.e. as a didactical example for students to find common mistakes?

I could be wrong of course so please point out what I dont seem to understand


*after dbtorms (_root_mean square), 2 extra roots are taken before sending it as 'amplitude' to the adsr, whose output is squared twice again... so what we get is that changing the input db by say 20, we are really only changing the output db with 5(=20/4)... I have no problem with rescaling midi velocities to sensible ranges but: one could just as well divide by 4 before the dbtorms so that the patch is more comprehensible

*in the adsr patch (gadsr.pd) the attack phase is completely skipped (the rise message for the attack is sent to the line~ object, but instantly followed by the rise message for the decay, so that it rises to the decay amplitude), this is easily fixed by correcting the delay

if this is a fixme, what other ones am I missing?
