Hi, yes they will be added to the package manager, in due time. Perhaps I'm in a minority here, but my perspective from a couple of decades of doing software is that package managers should only hold releases that are definitely stable and production ready.  One only has one chance for a first impression, and if new users hit problems with something in a package manager, it reflects badly on the project. When they hit the same issues after downloading a package marked "beta" from GitHub, it's quite a different impression. My opinion is that what I get from NPM or PyPi better "just work". :-)

So I need some reports from people on windows that installation and first steps are going smoothly, and then I will put it up in Deken. I would imagine it should be up in the next month.


On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 7:21 AM IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 11/24/21 11:07, Peter P. wrote:
> unless you have already done this, do you think of adding these binaries
> to Pd's "Deken" Package manager?


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