Hi Filippo,On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Filippo Beck Peccoz <mail@fbpsound.com> wrote:
Inspired by a talk on groove by Victor Wooten, I'm working on a patch that plays a wav loop repeatedly (drums) and then cuts the volume on the track for a certain number of beats. The interval gets larger and larger, forcing you to work on your timing and general "groove" feel.The patch is already working quite OK, but one thing I cannot seem to get completely right is a perfect sync between the beats which cut off the volume of the wav.I'm using a metro object set to the bpm of the loop and start both concurrently. Maybe this is just much too imprecise for what I'm trying to do..If I understand you right you would like to synchronize an audio loop with a [metro]. I guess you control the audio loop by something like [phasor~] or at least anything controlled within the DSP domain. Then, if you replace such [phasor~] with a [line~], controlled within the event domain there should be no problem anymore.
Example:[phasor~ 1]gets[metro 1000]|
[0, 1 1000(
|[line~]or even something like te following (unpack and pack the message to add something to the second value)
[metro 250]| \| [i ]/[+1]/[%4]| /[line~]
| /
[0, 1 250(
| /
[+ ]
[/ 4]
|to divide this second into four line segments.Regards,Funs
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