Hello Georg and frinds at pd-list,
I tried to run the binaries of sndfiler and threadlib
that are in this website:
in both cases the object seems to load in pd but when i try to load an ogg file i got the message: "error: /samples/sample.ogg: no such array ...you might be able to track this down from the Find menu" (and click in Find menu got blank results"
I tried I several ogg files that I already tested with other players (very short samples - less than 1 second) with the sndfiler-help.pd patch.
the funny thing is that the snfiler works fine in my Debian Unstable (and i'm using a lot in a patch that i'm working)
I tried Pd 0.39 and also just compile de pd 0.41 from CVS and got the same error... This same error is happening in Ubuntu and MacOsx
any idea?
I also tried to compile sndfiler again, from CVS...I got the threadlib but for sndfiler i miss a header called m_fifo.h that I couldn'n locate in my machine. where do I find it?
thanx a lot