So I followed your instructions and proceeded with the upload. The packages are all sitting there in My Folder, but not appearing when I search for them under Help --> Find Externals. It's been about 8 hours. Is this normal, and if not, what could have gone wrong?
If you are looking for ideas for the command line utility, then maybe a --recursive switch to the 'package' command to make it search in sub-folders as well?
From: Pd-list <> on behalf of IOhannes m zmölnig <>
Sent: 03 June 2018 20:00
Subject: Re: [PD] deken package questionOn Sun, Jun 03, 2018 at 03:57:27AM +0000, Liam Goodacre wrote:
> I'm not asking for anything to be changed, just seeking advice on how to make my upload without messing it up.
but *I* am looking for a solution that makes the cmdline utility more usable -
even if it requires changing things.
> If I generate the package, delete the dummy external and the checksum, then upload the package (generating a new checksum), will it work?
i still don't understand what you mean by "delete the dummy external".
probably something like the following:
cp context/foo/bar.pd_linux context/
deken package --version 0.1 context
zip -d context\[v0.1\]*.dek context/bar.pd_linux
rm context\[v0.1\]*.dek.*
deken upload context\[v0.1]*.dek
the above *should* work (the principle; i haven't run any of the commands)
but heck, the worst thing that can happen if it doesn't
work is that you there has been some bogus upload to, which can
manually fix; or that there hasn't been an upload at all.
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