If you click on [text define], a nice text box appears which you can edit and save. I need a way of sensing the saves from inside the patch, so that I can turn the text into a list. Is there any way of doing this?

One thing I've come up with: the text box's hexadecimal canvas name sends a "clear" message when it is saved. So [receive .x2780f60] will receive a message, if .x2780f60 is the correct canvas name for the text box. You can identify this number by running debug mode ("pd -d 3"), but I'm not aware of any way of ascertaining it from within the patch. Can anyone think of anything here? Or is there another channel which the "clear" message is sent to?

If there is no solution to this, then it would be new feature to have with [text define]! Either a special send channel, or a second outlet.