IIRC last time I spoke with the wiringPi author I pointed out to him how the library was designed to make the app using it exit should the conditions not match library's requirements (e.g. sudo access). While this is perfectly fine when running the library through a standalone command line application focusing solely on gpio connectivity, like the one provided with the library, in the context of Pd it results in a crash because such an acton results in a null pointer. His response to my report was that it was designed that way intentionally and that he had no intentions of changing that.

For this reason a while ago I released the disis_gpio external that partially depends on the wiringPi library and redesigns the rest to allow for the external to gracefully fail without crashing Pd. The disis_gpio external is prepackaged with Pd-l2ork and its source (found on pd-l2ork's github), together with the disis_spi external for mcp3008 A/D converter should be fully source compatible with other flavors of Pd. HTH



On Jul 7, 2015 9:33 AM, "IOhannes m zmoelnig" <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 2015-07-07 06:51, Jaime E Oliver wrote:
>>> El 06/07/2015, a las 8:52 p.m., Jaime E Oliver <jaime.oliver2@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> the externals will crash pd if it isn't opened with sudo.
>>> J
>> What do you mean with external crash? do you refer the wiringPi externals?
> yes. you need sudo level to access the gpio with those externals and will crash if you don't start pd as sudo.

whoever is in charge of that external should probably fix the crash.


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