On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 10:51 AM, m.e.grimm <megrimm@gmail.com> wrote:

the film and vid would be using apples newer quicktime framework ... QTKIT

so basically imageCOCOA, filmQTKIT, and videoQTKIT have to be written....

anyone want to help me? in into doing it but I would definitely need
help due to some harsh time constraints, etc.

Since I did the original Carbon versions of those I can say you will need hundreds of hours to get everything tuned to the point it was under 10.4.  I even went to Cupertino and worked with Apple engineers directly to get some things sorted out before the NeXTies killed the real Quicktime (and the Pro apps).  My advice, don't develop anything that relies on Apple unless you like getting jerked around on a regular basis!