Hey Marius
Thanks for the quick reply.
I have now tried vd~, but I still encounter clicks noises when I
change delay time.
[delwrite testname 2000]
[vd~ testname]
audioout+back to delwrite
Do the click noises has something to do with the samplelength in
delwrite~? (and can it at all be changed on the fly?)
On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 00:13, marius schebella
<marius.schebella@gmail.com> wrote:
hi Bjørn,
maybe vd~ (variable delay) is what you're looking for?
Bjørn Nielsen wrote:
Hey PD list
This is my first mail to the list and I am a newbie in PD, so please
bear with me.
I am trying to make a patch that simulates the delay effects I use as
a stompbox for my guitar. I.e. a signal delay line, with a parameter
of feedback and a parameter of delay time. While changing the delay
time parameter the ongoing sampled part should change pitch.
My first attempt (as in the attached patch) is to use
delread~/delwrite~, but changing the lenght of the sampled part in
delread~ makes a lot of clicks noises (which can be fun, but not what
I intended) and it do not change pitch. My max/msp friend said I
should instead of clipping the sample, make it run faster. So I tried
to figure if that was possible with delread~, vd~ or using arrays
instead with tabread(4)~, but I have not found the golden key yet.
I would be very happy if somebody could lead me in right direction.
Thanks, Bjørn
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